Oct 25, 2010


I'm now practicing myself the right way of using chopstick.
Isn't it AWESOME.
I'm typical Malay girl, (HAHAHA) so, how do i know right.
Therefore, now, i'm learning.

I ate mee rebus (mak) just now with chopstick..
I was like "eh, cam best la pulak"..
Kawan2 kat sekolah semua pakai chopstick including yg bukan org jepun pun.
So, as Japanese citizen now, i must learn.

Ayah pun suruh belajar.
Belajar guna kat sini je..
Tapi makan guna tangan sunnah nabi kan?

Soo now i ended up "CONFUSE"
hehe, not a big problem though..

anywy, nak bagitahu jugak!
Math result baru ni- I got A.
esok, ade lagi satu test Math..and I'm looking forward for it ;)

Bye Bye!


Zima said...

ira!!tahniah sebab math dapat A..kte xprnh pown dapat A..apelagi Add Math..Neway,tahniah ira..=)=)=)=)=)

Zima said...

ira,i want 2 show u sumthing..
=) =P ..
Nk tgk x?..

Farah Amira said...

wow ! ? congratz! btw, syllabus sana mcm mana ?
lain sgt ke dengan malaysia?

chopstick ?!
ahah, i loveee to use chopstick :P
happy learning :D

Musfirah Jamuli said...

imah; thanks2 ;)
yess of course, mcm mane nak tgk? show me!

farah, hehe tq :)
syllabus dorg slow skit...rasanya aku dah blaja kat mlysia.. hehee :) aku rasa kalau kau dtg sini mesti score gak lah.
ohh eh? aku lemah wey guna chopstick ni..makan tak kenyang..hehe

Zima said...

ira,kalau kte makan gne chopstik alamat kebuluran la..ira,check inbox fb ira kalau nak tgk 'HOT stuff tu'..huhu