Jun 12, 2011

Dah setahun? What's the plan?

Pejam celik, tamat sudah sesi persekolahan di bumi Jepun ini buat tahun 2010-2011. Sungguh tak kusangka masa begitu cepat berlalu. Sebagai seorang pelajar sekolah yang mempunyai hati dan perasaan, mestilah aku ade keinginan untuk ENJOY sepuas-puasnya! Waaaah, siapa sangka kerahan peluh aku berkerja sepanjang tahun, diganti dengan cuti yang panjangnya berbulan-bulan. Ehemm, 2 bulan lebih ‘je’. Who knows the sacrifice you made throughout the school year is paid off with months of holidays or enact as “summer break”? Maaflah kepada rakan-rakan sebaya di-malaysia yang baru memulakan sesi persekolahan setelah cuti 2-minggu kan? Good Luck untuk semua. SPM semakin dekat. Kalau aku punya kuasa, ingin aku mendudukinya. Tapi apakan daya~ Tak semua benda berlaku atas kehendak kita. Redha merupakan satu drp beribu jalan penyelesaian.

Terasa seperti semalam aku mengisi nama-nama cikgu ke dalam agenda. Terasa baru semalam lidah tergeliat membetulkan panggilan nama rakan2 seperjuangan. Biarpun kami datangnya dari seluruh pelusuk dunia, berlainan agama, berlainan budaya, dan berlainan bahasa..kami berjuang di bawah bumbung yang sama. Ia merupakan satu permulaan yang baik buat masa depan aku. Melangkahkan kaki ke sebuah sekolah yang diatur baik taraf akademiknya. Hati senang dan bangga dengan peluang yang terlantang ini. Again, we need to strive for certain things to happen. Segala tomahan telah mengajar aku untuk terus mara kehadapan. But seriously, honestly, truly, it was not an easy thing untuk face with all the sayings and judgments from people here. But anywyas, as we know, “if Allah bring you to it, He will bring you through it”. And here I am, got thorough all the obstacles throughout the school year. So, no worries jom tengok plan Fyra J untuk summer break kali ni.

Things yang MESTI & HARUS berlaku.

  1. Go jogging at least tiga kali seminggu. Cycling would also be okay?. Hmm. Of course, with hoping for some changes. (You know this extra baggage!)
  2. Read at least five books from the suggested list over the break. (which I’ll show you later if u want? Sebab it might vbe useful for those yang nak masuk university or further study especially ke luar negara)
  3. Siapkan assignment few weeks before school starts. (Memang ade assignments sebab they need to get us ready for ‘IB’ program next year)
  4. Plan my daily schedule for next year. This includes dividing time between study and facebook-ing and blogging and and and?
  5. Really, enjoy my leisure time since the seniors said; you might not be able to feel the freedom with doing IB next year! Its all about time consuming and Okay that is enough to scares me.)
  6. I should ENJOY the FREEDOM that I have and post stories up here as much as possible right. Ada orang baca kan? Boleh komen?
  7. I promise akan balas semua komen-komen followers aku sebab sebelum ni selalu terlepas pandang and I AM SOOOOO SORRYYYY about that. Aku bukan sombong okay.

Things I might wanna do/ I should do;
  1. I should start cover-up studying biology for a good start next year. Sebabnya otak aku memang bebal sangat dengan SC. Apehal hah???
  2. Try to accept the fact that HE is not gonna be my Math teacher next year. Need to slowly accept that okay. L this is getting really sad.
  3. Nak belajar masak selain mee goreng mamak, nasi goreng…nak pandai masak! YEayy. Nak senangkan hidup mak over the break. Hehehh.
  4. Nak hangout dengan mak & kakak to anywhere we want.
  5. Hias bilik kasi cantik, ceria, and bangkitkan mood & semangat untuk belajar. Try ye Fyra J! Please…its for your own good.
  6. Khatam lah drama-drama yang aku kempunan sangat nak tengok. For instance, nora Elena, prison break, maharaja lawak, and what else? You guys have any suggestion?
  7. Figure out, ways to get away from her for next year. (depending on ur request, I might tell u in next entry who she really is)
  8. Hangout dengan best friends and do PURIKURA./Disneysea!!! Yeayyy!
  9. Try to be consistent with a good routine starting from now on.

Don't they sound fun? I hope that I might be able to have all these wishes work out before the school year starts. Jogging, reading, movies amd writing might colour your life for the remaining holidays. Not to forget, opportunity comes only wonce, so have a list of what you are going to do, over the summer/break!

Do you guys have any suggestions with what I should do? Feel free to drop any! :D


miss_tiramisu said...

yeahhh. very good planning beb. ira, nak request yg no7 tu boley????hehehehehe

Musfirah Jamuli said...

upsiii boleh aja sih!! hahaha. Mwahahaha. Its not gonna be like ngumpat or what okay. just utk pengajaran semua orang! okay okay i will :)

cikbibcome said...

Ira, I am not sure whether it is because you have spent one year in Tokyo of you have been like this ever since but I missed it. You sound so matured and I like way you write be it in BM or English. I like the way you plan your days and even if you do not achieve it, at least have it planned, some people even fail to plan. Have a nice break babe and if I were you I will try to visit as many places as possible...maybe you should visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki too. Experience it while you can and take care!!

Musfirah Jamuli said...

Cikbib...im so touched by ur compliments. I thought im not there yet but I did worked really hard to be matured..though in writing or reality. And it sounds good to hear that my writing mcm dh matured! Haha. Alhamdulillah. Thanks cikbib! Hiroshima Memang..but i might just wait for the upcoming school trip next year. Hihi. :) And yes yes ill try to visit places! thanks cikbib. Take care too. See you in Malaysia!...next year??hmmm :)