Feb 9, 2011

Early Dismissal Day, watch movie!

Balik pukul 11.30 instead of 3.20p.m. Of course it’s been a pretty comforting day and relaxing. Sebenarnya early dismissal day ni, hari untuk semua pelajar Seisen balik awal. Honestly, setakat dah dekat setahun jugak sekolah, almost 3-4 times of early dismissal day ni, I never knew what’s the purpose. Ade tanye, tapi jawapan tak clear, aku tak paham! Katanya, untuk ばなxbくせ pelajar ape ape ape entah! Tapi, pelajar je! Cikgu-cikgu dan staff2 sekolah, kerja sampai waktu habis sekolah yang biasa. Pelik kan ? Tapi aku tak kisah la yang penting boleh balik umah awal !

Sekolah anatarabangsa ni memang banyak cuti. Satu benda tu je yang paling best. Kadang-kadang aku fikir jugak, nape tak buat cuti setiap hari perayaan for each country. Tapi mampuss la, ade 55negara nak cuti. Baik tak payah sekolah kan. Cuti je memanjang.

Okay, back to the movie. “Sex and the city” Have you ever watch this movie/film/drama or whatever it is? I just wanted to analyze what my mom said regarding the movie/the title. Bukan la best-best-best gile-gile-gile macam one litre of tears tu, so-so je kot. Tapi quite interesting. Macam biasa, kononnya nak “layan” dengan mak, tapi mesti tak sempat climax, mak aku lena. Hindustan especially. So, kalau ajak mak, ajakajak ayam jela kira =,=

Habis je tengok cite tu, mak bangun! Tepat pada masanya ! “mak, ok la cite ni! Tapi sesuai utk org dewasa lah, banyak babak TUTTTTTTETTTT"

“memang la, tengok tajuk dah tau”. Bagi aku, kata-kata mak macam nak cakap aku nak tengok cite tu sebab tajuk die. Dan, macam lah tajuk die tu "SEX" yang TUTTT semata-mata kan. Meh bukak sikit minda biar jelas.

For me, the title stands for…, obviously that "sex" tapi, mesti la title tu diletak atas purpose yang tertentu kan? The word sex itself, doesn’t necessarily have to be that “sex”, it could also be the gender between men and women in the New York (setting in the movie) city. And Mak..don’t be too racist la. Zaman sekarang dah lain.(teruk,ter-over-maju??), where
  • homosexual was a very offensive thing to talk about or very secretive among people, but now it’s consider as a common thing, they can even do it in the public,
  • back then “sex” can only be done after marriage, now “sex” is for fun, people can get it anywhere, without even getting married at first.
  • back then, “sex” was such a crazy and ugly word to ever mentioned about, now..yeah it’s a normal thing, too common, too public, too open, toooooooo…

yeah so that’s how I thought, my mom was such a racist. Haha! Sorry mak.
Anywys again, don’t judge a movie by its title; since it can sometimes be (represent) symbolic to other intentions that the director is trying to convey.

Sebenanrnya, post ni untuk semalam. tapi tak sempat nak post. So, present tense, tu baca lah past tense...or whatever.

Ehh, bersambung pasal snow kat sekolah tadi. Ni gambar dapat dari kawan aku punya facebook.

You can't really see it but it's snowing alot ((:
Thats the stairs in front of my class. Ohh, btw, ni gambar kelas aku. Ayah snap-kan waktu hari parent-teacher conference day.

Seee that stairs? Depan tu, kelas aku. And see those cars? tadi, semua penuh dengan salji. Sebenanrnya, orang Tokyo pun excited jugak bila snow turun tadi. Mula-mula perjalanan, memang ade tanda-tanda nak hujan. Bila dah nak sampai sekolah, tibe-tibe ade rasa "pap,pap,pap" atas kepala. Serius tak perasan snowing. Sebab, aku tengah main dengan notecards(rajin la konon)?? Lepastu, aku pandang atas, ohh Allah. Amazing. So pretty. Nicely snowing. Terbayang la aku, snowman dan ais batu campur. Perghh setahun dah tak makan. Sedap gileeeeeee! Tapi aku cool je. Orang lain semua dah senyum-senyum dan happy la sebab snowing kan. Budak2 tadika yang beg kotak-kotak tu pun loncat-loncat kegirangan. Ehehe.

Aku bajet cool, konon-nye aku dah pernah duduk Sweden, salji takat lutut. cehhh, haha. Takla. Kalau ade, kawan-kawan waktu jalan tu, confirm aku loncat! :)

Thats it for today :P Salam.

Feb 8, 2011

It's snowing outside

Hai bloggers. Aku baru je sampai sekolah. Macam biasa, singgah library. Kesempatan beberapa minit ni, nak bagitahu korang. Its snowing outside. And now, the flakes are getting bigger. Its so pretty.Ya Allah, indahnya ciptaan-MU. But, im sorry that i can't share any photos/videos. I forgot my camera at home. Terasa nak kutuk-kutuk diri sendiri pun ade. Rugi tak bawak. Okay lah, nanti cerita lagi ye!
hope, mak, ayah, imtiyaz, yal, ifwat...are also seeing it. I'm so happy and waaah! Such a wonderful day. Al praises to Allah! :)

Seribu kali sayang tak dapat share. Kalau nak, doa la sampai aku balik rumah masih snowing. So that i can share. Snow....snowww....


Feb 6, 2011

Sharing is caring

This entry is going to be about nothing(gibberish lah katekan) but a bit of “tips belajar”

Since aku rasa result History aku baru-baru ni macam sangat memuaskan (untuk aku). Macam entry  aku yang Report Card . D, D, D, D, D. Paling elok pun aku penah dapat C- itupun assignment luar kelas. Kalau tests, wajib D. D-, D+, D…memang normal la kira untuk aku.
“Good Job Ira” cikgu kata result exam aku, lagi okay dari grade aku utk 2nd quarter. Cehh, korang tak rasa ke macam gempak gila-gila je cite aku nie? Nak tau tak grade sebenar ?

Sebenarnya aku dapat 78%(HAHAHAHAHA) which is (C +). Tahu la. Sila jangan gelak. Mungkin kalau korang jadi aku, korang faham kot. Betapa kempunan nye aku nak naikkan grade history. Sedih memang dah banyak kali, usaha mcama-macam tapi tak berjaya. Berjaya pun takat C+ kira Alhamdulillah. Kan aku kata, kita kena belajar bersyukur.

Untuk aku, since datang sini, subjek history memang tough la. Sebab bayangkan la kat Malaysia, form3, semua objektif je. Form 4 pun, baru belajar first unit, dah kena pindah lagi pulak kan ! Hmmm..Kat sini mana ade multiple choice, semuanya subjektif, and of course the most difficult, in English. Vocab bukan main aku tak tau ape.

So dah banyak kali tak berjaya, takkan nak dok diam je kan? Kena usaha cari mana yang tak kena. Just when I figured it out…baru aku sedar. Masalah aku waktu test, selalu blank. Study memang rasa elok.(sebenanye selalu, esok nak test, malam tu aku baru kalut baca, mana tak blank???)

Guna semua kemudahan yang ade di sekeliling korang.
For instance, white board;

Perghhhh, korang ade ke white board kat rumah? Aku ade pun sebab bapak aku merupakan bekas seorang guru. Setakat ini beliau telah banyak menyumbang tenaga, me***, me***, me***, me***, mengajar Muhammad Izzat, Nur Athirah & Muhammad Iftikhar. Nak dipendekkan cerita, hasil titik peluh ayah, mereka berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPTA except for eyal, tunggu result SPM. Me? Do I need to say these? Erghh well I never experienced achieving full A’s in my exams. What? Ehhhh, yeah that’s  the fact. LEMBAP. I only got 4 A’s for UPSR and HOLY CRAP for PMR.

But I don’t know why, I was listed in SC class’ students. Sebab memang aku rasa aku tak boleh bawak tambahan lagi dengan kata-kata semangat daripada family sendiri “mak rasa ira takyah ambik lah sc”, “eh, kamu boleh ke sc ira??”, “takyah ambik sc lah, susah nak bawak”. Yang kawan kawan pulak “wey hang, dok jela kelas sc, satgi aku takdak kawan”, “wey hang dulu kan kita dah janji nak masuk kelas sc sama2”. Then I’m finally here. Not sc, not acc, not lktk. Fine. Enough.

Wey apesal aku jauh sangat melalut? (Sorry)

Okay, whiteboard. Gunakan sebagai tempat  menulis nota. Kalau takde pun takpe, use your room or walls or even more, your bed, to stick those notes at any spot that is appropriate and easy to see. Macam aku, tulis nota kat whiteboard, untung die mengadap katil, so..kadang-kadang tu agak mengangaggu jugak la..yela tengah sedap
berangan..tibe-tibe nampak “French Revolution”, “Literary Terms” terpana tak semena-mena aku! Hahaaa! SPOIL.

Tulis je as much as you can at least one paper per day. Lekat je mane2 yang boleh. Tapi agak-agak la, macam aku dulu waktu share bilik dengan kakak, nak letak gam pun takut, dinding berbekas. Hishhh marahnye die nanti. Kalau dapat handout/sheet pun lekat je. Kalau aku, waktu exam, salu bayang tulisan tu. Kat mane aku tulis, lekat kat mana,..no berapa, then senang nak ingat. IMAGINATION. Hahhh ! Try ler kalau belum pernah.

Second, guna small note cards;

Yang ni best jugak. Senang. Mudah alih. Cehh macam laptop pulak. Tahu ke amende? Sebab waktu datang sini aku baru kenal benda alah ni. LEMBAP. Macam aku yang bergerak jauh ke sekolah, naik train, dalam train, senang la. Seluk poket, baca. Memang mudah. Main quiz dengan diri sendiri. Mungkin VOCAB ? Depan tulis the word, belakang tulis the meaning.

Erghh lagi??, hah! Cukup la tu dari aku. Kalau pelajar cemerlang takpe jugak kan nak bagi tips kat orang. Haha, wat malu je. Agak, agak best..cuba la.

*sori la gambar macam haprak. Terus amik dari webcam lappy aku yang mcm harem. So yaaah! BYEBYE, SALAM.


Be Prepared for Anything Bad Will Happen in the Future

It was a long winter break and we went for a travel to South Africa. It was early in the morning at the embassy of Malaysia, Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa where we reached there from our hometown Malawi. We were force to wake up for a long journey. “ Wake up guys! It is a long journey so, we have to wake up early, begin early, and be there early. You guys got to be ready physically and mentally. Remember it is Africa, not Malaysia where you have public toilet…..” Mom shout. At that time, we were all freezing. One by one we took a bath. I shouted for toothbrush, socks, sweater, and everything else made that morning become cheerful and happening. In fact we were all very excited for the next long journey to South Africa. In a quite big room we fit seven members of our family at the embassy. A few minutes later, our bags were neatly laid beyond the wall, ready to go.
Afterwards, the aunties that stayed there had prepared breakfast for us, two family. No wonder I smelled something so good just now while waiting for my turn to take bath. I remembered. We were actually two families that travelled from Malawi, to Zimbabwe by car, and on to or last destination; South Africa. There were seven members in my family and five members in the other family. We were so happy that the aunties that stayed at the embassy, prepared our breakfast. We did not expect that to happened as it was too early; still dark in the morning. We happily ate the breakfast and had our last conversation and hoping that this moment will happen again. The funny part was; “ Dad can you please wait for me, I need a poop”. I bravely mentioned that and later on, my sister and brothers, started to go after me. They were scared to tell dad because he told us earlier to get ready but I did. I was young, all I knew is just tell what I felt. “ It’s okay guys its still early, take your time.” Dad said. He was in a good mood that morning maybe because he ate the delicious “fried noodles” cooked by Aunties at the embassy. It was a really “bright” and happy morning.
After spending about three night at the embassy, it was time for us to continue to our last destination, South Africa for about 1000km from there. Pajero and Mercedez E class cars with diplomatic plate; they started the engines. Ours, was the pajero that fit seven people. Dad and uncle Mad, were checking their car, and the two big containers of petrol in the boot of our pajero. Everything checked out and now we were ready to leave. Heavy, sad mournful, and hoping that we will meet again. “Mom, dad, the aunties and uncles were all very nice to us.” I said. “ Of course, but you have to learn that every meeting must meet an end.” Dad answered.
Dad followed behind uncle Mad’s car as he is more master of the way to the destination; he went there before.. We were still in the city and unfortunately, the light turn red. We came to a stop. But Uncle Mad’s car had gone further. We thought that he realized we had to stop as usually we experienced that. It was desolate, sad, quite still dark, freezing and no car behind, next and in front of our Pajero as giving us the hint that  something bad will happen later. I wonder why because just now at the embassy, we were all very happy. Suddenly, a “bump, crash, cracking, explode” sound appeared from at the back of the pajero. Everyone held their heads as we thought the petrol that we brought for our journey, exploded and I also thought that I was going to die, burn in the car altogether with my family. While I was thinking those bad things, I heard my brother who was fifteen years old, tall and big, asked for a permission from dad. “What??” I wondered. He opened the door and ran out to a black guy that were holding my brothers’ bag. “Wait, why is he holding my brothers’ bag?, in fact it’s only kids’ clothes, does not fit that guys’s body.” Then only I realize that they broke the back mirror of our Pajero and took two bags which were my brothers’ bag and ran away toward the brick walls near the traffic lights. My brother caught one guy and kick him as he was lying down. There were about two to three other black people that saw the incident and also my dad  tried to stopped my brother from hitting the guy. The other guy left the bag that he took and climbed across the brick wall and he succeeded. Later, there were few policemen came and took the man to the police car. Who called the police I did not know but it was not my dad. Finally, uncle Mad came. He realized that we took so long at the traffic light. He sped back to us. Dad and uncle Mad decided that we continue the journey even without the back mirror of our Pajero. Somehow dad covered with some kind of plastic and because of that, dad could not drive 140 km/h as it is going to make the pajero fly up in the sky.
            I realized that we were all crying in the car. My small brother and my older brother at the back had all the small chip of  the broken mirror on their head. We cleaned the car and again hope for a safe journey this time. Nobody was injured. Even without the back mirror we safely arrived Johannesburg city about eight o’clock at night. Beautiful as heaven. Lights were all around, tall buildings were really graet view at night. We stopped by at a place and uncle Mad called his daughter who stayed and studied there to take us to the place that she rent for us. Uncle Mad also asked my dad whether we are going to send the car to the shop or not and finally my father said no as he was so tired; in fact the shop is far. While we were waiting for uncle Mad’s daughter, we again talked about the horrible incident that morning and said that we had a really good experience to tell to our descendants years later. We should also be prepared because anything will happen even if you assume it will be a bright day. However, we laughed and happy at that moment and felt thankful that everyone was okay and safe.