Balik pukul 11.30 instead of 3.20p.m. Of course it’s been a pretty comforting day and relaxing. Sebenarnya early dismissal day ni, hari untuk semua pelajar Seisen balik awal. Honestly, setakat dah dekat setahun jugak sekolah, almost 3-4 times of early dismissal day ni, I never knew what’s the purpose. Ade tanye, tapi jawapan tak clear, aku tak paham! Katanya, untuk ぺrけmばなxbくせ pelajar ape ape ape entah! Tapi, pelajar je! Cikgu-cikgu dan staff2 sekolah, kerja sampai waktu habis sekolah yang biasa. Pelik kan ? Tapi aku tak kisah la yang penting boleh balik umah awal !
Sekolah anatarabangsa ni memang banyak cuti. Satu benda tu je yang paling best. Kadang-kadang aku fikir jugak, nape tak buat cuti setiap hari perayaan for each country. Tapi mampuss la, ade 55negara nak cuti. Baik tak payah sekolah kan. Cuti je memanjang.
Okay, back to the movie. “Sex and the city” Have you ever watch this movie/film/drama or whatever it is? I just wanted to analyze what my mom said regarding the movie/the title. Bukan la best-best-best gile-gile-gile macam one litre of tears tu, so-so je kot. Tapi quite interesting. Macam biasa, kononnya nak “layan” dengan mak, tapi mesti tak sempat climax, mak aku lena. Hindustan especially. So, kalau ajak mak, ajakajak ayam jela kira =,=
Habis je tengok cite tu, mak bangun! Tepat pada masanya ! “mak, ok la cite ni! Tapi sesuai utk org dewasa lah, banyak babak TUTTTTTTETTTT"
“memang la, tengok tajuk dah tau”. Bagi aku, kata-kata mak macam nak cakap aku nak tengok cite tu sebab tajuk die. Dan, macam lah tajuk die tu "SEX" yang TUTTT semata-mata kan. Meh bukak sikit minda biar jelas.
For me, the title stands for…, obviously that "sex" tapi, mesti la title tu diletak atas purpose yang tertentu kan? The word sex itself, doesn’t necessarily have to be that “sex”, it could also be the gender between men and women in the New York (setting in the movie) city. And Mak..don’t be too racist la. Zaman sekarang dah lain.(teruk,ter-over-maju??), where
- homosexual was a very offensive thing to talk about or very secretive among people, but now it’s consider as a common thing, they can even do it in the public,
- back then “sex” can only be done after marriage, now “sex” is for fun, people can get it anywhere, without even getting married at first.
- back then, “sex” was such a crazy and ugly word to ever mentioned about, now..yeah it’s a normal thing, too common, too public, too open, toooooooo…
yeah so that’s how I thought, my mom was such a racist. Haha! Sorry mak.
Anywys again, don’t judge a movie by its title; since it can sometimes be (represent) symbolic to other intentions that the director is trying to convey.
Sebenanrnya, post ni untuk semalam. tapi tak sempat nak post. So, present tense, tu baca lah past tense...or whatever.
Ehh, bersambung pasal snow kat sekolah tadi. Ni gambar dapat dari kawan aku punya facebook.
Thats the stairs in front of my class. Ohh, btw, ni gambar kelas aku. Ayah snap-kan waktu hari parent-teacher conference day.
Seee that stairs? Depan tu, kelas aku. And see those cars? tadi, semua penuh dengan salji. Sebenanrnya, orang Tokyo pun excited jugak bila snow turun tadi. Mula-mula perjalanan, memang ade tanda-tanda nak hujan. Bila dah nak sampai sekolah, tibe-tibe ade rasa "pap,pap,pap" atas kepala. Serius tak perasan snowing. Sebab, aku tengah main dengan notecards(rajin la konon)?? Lepastu, aku pandang atas, ohh Allah. Amazing. So pretty. Nicely snowing. Terbayang la aku, snowman dan ais batu campur. Perghh setahun dah tak makan. Sedap gileeeeeee! Tapi aku cool je. Orang lain semua dah senyum-senyum dan happy la sebab snowing kan. Budak2 tadika yang beg kotak-kotak tu pun loncat-loncat kegirangan. Ehehe.
Aku bajet cool, konon-nye aku dah pernah duduk Sweden, salji takat lutut. cehhh, haha. Takla. Kalau ade, kawan-kawan waktu jalan tu, confirm aku loncat! :)
Thats it for today :P Salam.