My comfy bed, new comforter bought from Parkson, SP |
Chotto semai ne...? |
SP sunny bedroom, rindu.. |
Simple Serdang bedroom shared with kakak |
It's a please to have such simple and decent room since I have lived on this earth. It really is a blessed to have such simple bedroom, house, life, according to Henry,
...I love being simple, simple makes me feel good!
As for me, simple defines necessity. So if we are simple enough, things around us are all that we need.
Things that are not, would simply be the unnecessary sorts. Why would we need more if we are alive just with those around us?
Syukur Alhamdulillah di atas rezeki kurniaan Allah,
Terima kasih ayah, mak
Semoga kita semua sentiasa mensyukuri nikmat kesenangan ini..