Apr 9, 2011

Apesal hah?

Boringnye belog aku!
Anyways, weekend kali ni tak banyak homework sangat pun. So, boleh la update belog kot :P Agak menenangkan. Nak tahu sebab ape?

Cikgu sibuk...gara-gara bencana yang menimpa Jepun baru-baru ni. Pelajar yang belum balik dari negara diorang tu tak heran lah. Sebab memang ramai. Kelas aku saje dalam 5 orang takde. Ade cikgu "resign". Due to that, cikgu terpaksa rombak jadual. Kasihan cikgu-cikgu. Pastu, banyak assignment2 yang cikgu "mansuhkan"...(is that the right word?) untuk quarter terakhir ni sebab keadaan yang tak menentu. Wahh memang best la kan :) yess happy face!

Apr 7, 2011

Short post for today, weird windy Friday

Angin pagi ni memang mengasyikkan
Bunyi die lain *memang menakutkan jugak sebenarnya...sbb aku yg berat berKG-KG ni tergerak sedikit bila ditiup..memang ridiculous*
Tanpa berfikir panjang, aku menikmati hembusan itu

Sepanjang perjalanan
Tudungku senget benget dek tiupan
Skirtku terbang menerbang dek tiupan

Hampir tamat perjalanan baru tersedar
Tanggal 11March, 2011...friday beberapa minggu yang lepas
Semua terjadi tanpa sangkaan

Kebetulan malam tadi gegaran 7.4 magnitude tak dinafikan memang kuat sampai semua terbangun dari tidur..
Kebetulan hari ni jumaat
Adakah semua kebetulan ini akan berulang?

Ya Allah..Lindungi kami dari bencana-Mu.
Sessungguhnya kami insan lemah..

Buat semua yang baca post ni, doakan kami.
Dan ingatlah, masa kita suntuk..sesuatu akan terjadi tanpa kita sangka.

Nobody knows when its going to happen.
Tapi kita boleh ambik tanda2 yang berlaku akhir-akhir ini sebagai hint
I have the feeling that, we're almost there
All we could do is pray and pray :)

*for some reasons, i cried..................................

Main Hoki

last quarter = 4th quarter
For P.E, kitorang main hoki.

Menyampah betul la nak control bola tu.
Kena bongkok-kan badan.
Perut aku dah la macam hape.
Ishhhh tula padah orang gemok.

Tapi aku rasa better than basketball last quarter.
Tapi sebenanrnya semua best.
Eh! Korang paham ke ape aku cakap?


Tadi ade IB assembly.
Sekarang telah tiba masa untuk buat keputusan yang betul dan tepat buat masa depan saya.
Need to choose among 3;
  1. International Baccalaureate Diploma
  2. International Baccalaureate Certificate
  3. Seisen Diploma
Sebenanrnya, aku tak payah pilih pun. Dah obvious sangat yang mana aku kena ambik. Maklumlah semangat nak ambik SPM :)

Hehehe. Tapi still for this time being, i need to decide among those options. Excited sangat sebenarnya dan agak menyeramkan. Hehe. okay, see you weekend :)

Apr 3, 2011

"A Stranger in in a stranger landpetry contest"



I arrive as of a thousand miles
I wasnt excited since I derive
I was blinded by the delicate tricks
I was controlled by the immense policies
I was hassled by the sparkle streets
I was hurried by the neither non-leave nor flower trees
I was embraced by the climate iciness

If I could fall into the sky, do you thing time will pass me by?
Because you know I walked a thousand miles


Too odd to wear skirt designed squares exposing legs
Too startled to observe through their gadgets
Too harm to sucked the haziness into Seisens eyes
Too bewildered by the such English accents
Too exhaust to adapted with the unwise schedules
Too bashful to situated down the train stations
Too grateful to have the scene of Sakura all over places

If I could hide in the eye, do you think Hell bless and bring me through it?
Because you know I walked a thousand miles


You brought me through all the pain
You weathered me through all the consequences
You floated me through all the obstacles
You dazzled me through all the expected temperate
You showed me through all the Achilles heels
You realized me through all the existence
You delivered me through all the remedies

If I could possibly lose in the resistance, do you think I knew all His intentions?
Because you know I walked a thousand miles


I felt the vibe getting closer among us
I felt the love getting deeper inside us
I felt the joke getting accepted among us
I felt the hands getting helped between us
I felt the easiness getting exhale around us
As the leaves getting yellow-er
As the leaves again lose their beholder

If I could make the leaves settle yellow along my journey, would you know that were always together?
Because you know I walked a thousand miles

Experience told me how to behave
Experience taught me how to act
Experience illustrate me how to perform
Experience demonstrated me when Spring appear
Experience showed me when I need to stabilize
Pain educated me
Pain trained me

Thus, SPRING(2011)
Making the way through the crowd

I will never see the sky the same way
I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday