Dec 24, 2010

what you've done?

  1. Mood: Terharu; terharu dengan kasih sayang seorang abang kepada seorang adik. Malam ni mak dengan ayah takde pergi dinner dekat Embassy of Malaysia. Yal dengan rela hati, membawa Imtiyaz keluar bersiar-siar. Bukan setakat Setagaya Park je, sampai Harajuku. Jauh la kiranya. Bawak Imtiyaz makan.. berdua je.. TERHARU.
  2. I can't stop thinking about that thing. That thing that makes me suffer. Tidur pun tak boleh =,= If I can, I would take this pain away. But how?..Ya me the way...
  3. Thank you for all you've done :D and hardly say, I forgive all your mistakes.

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