I know it's a waste of time listening to these kind of music. But it's just for my entertainment. Not so bad kan? teheeeee :P
Dec 26, 2012
Dilamun Rindu
I've been listening to this song repeatedly these days.. Why huh? Am I missing someone?
Ski-ing at Nagano
Sambungan daripada ENTRY yang lepas.. Entry kali just nak finish off cerita aku pasal trip tu. Hehe. This is what I hate about blogging. I love to share my stories. But when I write, I do not know how to be concise because I have too much to talk about. Hmmm.
Karuizawa Ski Center |
We arrived the ski place at around 11.10 a.m. Haha, that time, I hated how the navigation brought us to like NOWHERE. LIKE WT*!! Again, nasib baik ade Peter, askar kan berkebolehan baca2/agak2 peta ni. Urm aku tak tahu la skill apa die pakai tapi memang STYLE la. Haha. Sampai berbalah la diorang nak ikut jalan mana yang betul. Masalahnya kitorang dah nampak hills and mountains and dah nampak orang ski dekat situ, cuma tak boleh figure out jalan ke situ. Haha. Kelakar pulak bila ingat balik. Macam sengal semua.
Wearing my brother's Ski clothes, Samy's goggle |
The sticks I'm holding are called "Ski poles". Benda ni sebenanya tak banyak guna sangat. Sucker macam aku ni guna untuk slide on a flat surface. Yang takde hills. Selalunya beginner tak payah guna poles ni sebab hanya kaki and badan kita yang sepatutnya berfungsi sepenuhnya waktu main. So for those yang memang nak go further dalam sport ni, it is advisable not to use it when you first started ski-ing. Kalau macam aku ni takpe la nak guna. Once sukcer memang always a sucker kan. haha. Never intended to go further pun dalam sport ni. Sport yang tak payah atas salji pun aku tak buat, gatai pulak nak ski..dekat Malaysia mana ade snow. Sob sob sob. Moving down to my kaki, they're called "Ski boots". Kalah boot kawad aku masa KRS dulu. Keras macam besi. Bila dah pakai memang susah nak bergerak especially turun tangga. OMG. I hate turun tangga in these ski boots. Killin' me! Dan lastly, yang bawah boots tu of course lah the "ski". These basic equipment cost up to about 5000yen which is about 170ringgit. Errrr. Kalau kat Malaysia ni, mati hidup balik pun aku tak heran nak naik. Telan ayaq liuq jaaa org kedah kata.
20th of december 2012..in memory..hehehe |
Equipment sudah. Ada lagi yang tak sudah. Ticket untuk naik lift. Rezeki kitorang haritu dapat offer pulak by abang-abang jepang hensem yang jual tiket tu. Murah la 400yen la jugak. Untuk Nana kira banyak la. Haha. So the overall cost 7500yen jugak which is 270ringgit. Fuhhhhhhh~~ Lenyap duit. Kesian bapak aku. Muahahaha.....
Sunlight, why I needed goggle. Alhamdulillah it was a really good weather untuk ski. |
Bila start main tu memang excited gile sampai aku dah lupa basic steps yang dah belajar tahun winter tahun lepas. haha. haha. haha. Tak sangka bin teruja, kawan-kawan aku ni rupanya expert siot. Serius aku ingat diorang biasa-biasa je. Rupanya memang expert. Sampai tahap boleh jadi instructor aku la yang sucker ni. Terima kasih tak terhingga sebab diorang sabar tunjuk ajar aku yang keras kepala, penakut, pessimistic, lembap ni. Tapi best jugak ler sebab aku dah improve daripada tahun lepas. Tahun ni overall total number tergolek cuma 3 kali je. Haha tahun lepas tak usah kira la sampai 2hari sakit satu badan bergerak macam robot kat rumah. Tapi sakit juga tahun cuma waktu tidur je rasa. Mujur tak jadi pape kat sana..risau jugak kan coz we were on our own. Sebenanya main ski ni memang risky. Agak agak lemah semangat dan lemah muscles kaki, better jangan cuba sebab bahaya.
A boring photography skill. Kitorang tak byk ambik gamba kat sini sebab focusing more on improving aku haha! |
Lepas 3 jam main tu aku dah start boring sebab hills dia too high la, "I jadi takut youuuu~" haha. Maka bila dah start boring tu meliar-liar lah mata aku mencari calon yang sesuai. haha. Diorang yang suruh eh. Aku tak nak pun. Haha. Tapi jumpa juga la. Daripada apa yang aku observe, remaja Jepun ramai yang snowboard instead of ski. Aku rasa waktu kecik diorang dah mahir ski, so bila dah besar diorang try snowboard pula. Aku rasa sekarang ni snowborder ni HOT STUFF gila la. Ramai sebenanye calon-calon tapi aku sangkut kat sorang ni. Mula-mula dapat usya dari atas lift tu je. Hot ler juga. Muahaha. Mana lah aku tahu disebalik goggle dan topi die tu macam mana muka die. We nicknamed him "green guy" Orang kata jodoh tak ke mana kan, waktu nak slide down the hill, byk kali jumpa die haha. Padahal die tak pandang pun aku. Bapak perasan je. Nana and I thought he was an instructor to the kid he was teaching. Tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......................
Nana being a stalker |
First of all, he wasnt wearing green. It was because of our blue goggle. Blue+yellow=green. Sedih taw, kuciwa I sebab I want him to be green. Okay that did not matter much. Second of all, waktu die bukak goggle, we got to curik nampak muka die, Samy cakap die tak kacak. Sadis. Urmm memang betul pun tapi takpe aku terima die seadanya. Hahaha! Eii geli ckp camni. Anyways... What's worse, they claim yang die ni dah ade family. What is that? He was with a woman and the kid he was teaching. yeah, they seem macam satu family. Hancus harapan. haha. Takpelah, kau bukan jodoh ku abang jepun. Haha. tapi serius muda. Orang Jepun ramai yang kahwin muda.
french fries and octopus goreng |
Bila dah kaciwa tu, perut pun lapar. Kitorang makan dekat restoran on the second floor of the ski centre. Sadly, takde benda yang selamat di makan sangat kat restoran tu kecuali kentang & sotong. Bekalan makanan biskut-biskut pun dah habis kitorang kerja kan semalam. Tapi alhamdulillah terisi juga perut...
Lepas makan, sambung lagi sampai pukul 4. Dah hampir gelap, terus salin baju, gerak balik.
Last snap for the trip |
For more pictures, follow me on instagram @nmaj9406 or Musfirah Jamuli ..bagitau la korang blogger or reader aku ehehe. I wud be very happy to accept your request.
Alhamdulillah, syukur semua selamat sampai after 3hours perjalanan. It was really fun. A memory that I can never forget. xoxo.
Dec 25, 2012
A trip to Nagano
Hai, Assalamualaikum. Dah berkurun lamanya tak menulis. Rasa segan ar pulak nak bercerita dengan korang. Hihi. Malu tak bertempat. Untuk pengetahuan semua, aku tengah WINTER BREAK sekarang ni, and it last up till about three and a half weeks in total. Hooreyyy! Tapi today, dah masuk minggu yang kedua. Cepat je masa berlalu dan macam biasa lah membazir macam tu je but feeling good :D Sekali sekala being away from school stuffs. It just feels AWESOME.
Back to the main topic up there, ski trip. Sebenarnya, plan nak pergi trip ni bermula dari aku yang sangat cerdik dan bijak menggunakan kesempatan yang ada terhadap kawan aku yang dah ade lesen memandu semenjak summer break bulan June haritu. Okay, run-on sentence ni nak menyatakan yang betapa seronoknya perasaan aku because plan aku tu did worked out. Alhamdulillah.
Tak senang jugak rupanya nak organize trip sendiri ni sebab selalunya under sekolah kan. Nak survey harga, survey tempat, survey safety. Lagi-lagi as orang luar macam kitorang semua ni. It takes a whole lot of things especially communication. Kebetulan pulak parents kawan aku ni akan melancong ke Bali and she'll be staying here in Japan with her boyfriend who's back from the navy. Bila aku dan driver dah capai kata sepakat, kitorang pun ON. Dah set date. Set destinasi. Set bilangan orang. Glad that Samy's parents nak tolong uruskan tempat. So they booked it for us. Can't thank them enough for the cooperation. And mine was just convincing people to join. I guess I cannot be a marketer sebab ends up just the four of us. Sad. Sad. Sob. Sob. Tapi its not like they don't wanna join, its just that they could not make it on that date. So how's that? Penat jugek cari orang bagi cukup. Last-last tak cukup jugak. Ada yang balik Korea, ade yang on trip with family, ada yang parents tak bagi. It ends up with just the four of us.
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Ira and Nana, penumpang berhemah! |
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Samy, Ira and Nana |
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Samy, Ira, Nana and Peter |
So we were the awesome four. This trip was actually last Wednesday, the 19th of December. We met at 8 in the morning at our lovely driver a.k.a Samy's station. I have to say that it was the most horrible train ride I have ever experienced in my life(in Japan). Well, because I experienced worse in Malaysia. Tehee.
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Kalau pakcik baju coklat tu was a woman macam mana? Errrr___ |
So the above picture is basically what happened that morning. Since we planned to meet Samy and Peter at Denenchofu station by 8a.m, Nana and I met at Sakura Shimmachi station at 7.30 sebab dah alang-alang pergi direction sama, kitorang decided to gerak sama. It was totally a terrible mistake coz it was the time when people go to work and school. When Nana and I arrived Futako Tamagawa, we had to walk to the next platform and our first attempt of getting into the train was a failure. Dengan our backpacks and baju winter tebal just made it impossible to get in.
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stolen from pakcik google |
Selalunya pekerja yang berdiri kat platform and berpakaian seperti polis ni, merupakan penjaga keselamatan seperti memastikan penumpang yang berdiri berada di belakang garisan kuning/garisan keselamatan. But that morning, I learnt a new thing. The thing that kind of strikes me was that, the workers who stand on the platform are also functioned as the "pushers"/"packers" or also know as "oshiya". Diorang ni kerja berbayar specially to push people in order for the doors to close..and they work only during the morning and rush hours. Interesting kan?
So at that poingt of time, I can only think and feel how syukur I was to not have to go through that terrible moment of life every morning. Sebabnya, daripada station rumah aku(ikejiri-ohashi) to school(yoga) takde la hectic sangat. So aku tak payah nak minum vitamin untuk tambah tenaga supaya dapat tolak orang. In the end, we made it in at our second attempt of getting on the train. Memula masuk rasanya closed to pintu. But at last, we realized how further we were from the pintu sebab we got sucked and pulled in by the people who came at most of the stops. Since I was not used to it, memang rasa tak selesa sebab berdiri rapat-rapat dengan orang, like seriously what the heck ni tolak-tolak orang? Padahal diri sendiri tolak orang jugak waktu nak masuk tadi haha! Kalau ade mamat hensem takpela kalau boleh tolak kuat lagi..haha! But glad I was alive and we managed to made it on time. Reached Denenchofu at 8.00a.m. This is what I love about Japanese. Bila janji dengan diorang ni always on time. It is always good to be punctual kay people.
So there we go. We took an hour sesat in Tokyo city sebab cari jalan highway. Walaupun ade navigation, it just did not work sebab traffic jam teruk. Mula-mula try jugak stick dengan navi tu, lepastu dah jam teruk sangat dan kami bukan orang Jepun patient, sanggup tunggu traffic yang stuck tak bergerak langsung tu, kitorang try buat navi sendiri. We took that one really tiny selekoh and just get on with it. It was hilariously ridiculous! haha. It was a whole lots of mistake sebab keluar waktu rush hours. But its okay, we learned from it and try to plan better next time.
After wasted an hour sesat, we finally made it to the right highway. Memandangkan Samy merupakan pemandu yang masih panas(baru masak) wlupun licik, kami tidak dibenarkan tidur untuk memastikan yang die tidak keseorangan memandu. So we talked about a lot of stuffs and it was pretty much a "bonding moment" dengan Peter, boyfriend Samy. He is cool. I met him once before, so dah kenal la jugak. Probably new things for Nana who's never met him before. I think I have a lot to say about this guy. Like most other guys, memang lelaki kan kelakar. Sense of humor diorang best kan? He is considerate & matang and at most time selalu give in kalau berbalah apa-apa dengan Samy yang jenis tak pernah kalah ni. Pendek cerita, sesuai la mereka berdua ni.
curry puffs |
Kitorang stop dekat dua perhentian. Holy moly, it was freakin COLD. Subhanallah. Cuaca sunny but sangat sejuk. Had to wear gloves, scarves and everything possible. Bought hot coffee from nice, clean and function-able vending machines kat Jepun ni and ate curry puffs Mak packed for all of us. Also Samy's favourite since she once tried it waktu sleepover at my house. Arigato mak. And Peter yang sangat gentleman ni bought us some curry crackers. One thing we all learned about him is that he is a CURRY FREAK! Kat mana-mana mesti carik kari. Seriously tak sangka American suka kari. I thought Asian je yang layan kari k. I was actually expecting to see snow somewhere tapi takde pun. I realized it was actually a bit too early for Nagano. Rasanya kalau pergi atas utara lagi tu snow dah banyak. Kinda sad :(
Pukul 12.30 we reached the destination. Bila dah sampai pekan Miyota tu, we called the owner of the place we're staying and informed her that we will be there in about ten minutes. Tak sangka jugak tempat kitorang bermalam tu pedalaman betul. Tak nampak orang langsung. But who cares kan? I was there to CHILL. Suasana nyaman is preferable.
So we met the owner and she was like "wow so international". Blonde ade, japanese ade, hijabster pun ada. Ahh biasala we are cool like that. So bila dapat kunci, dapat masuk rumah. Urm I think it is more like a chalet. It was WOWW! Cantik. Kemas. Selesa. Besar. Enough keperluan like oven, peti ais, pinggan, mangkuk, semua lah senang cerita. Bilik lebih pun ada. Haha sebab tak cukup orang kan. Here are some of the photos....
the room Nana and I chose to stay |
My bed and my pinky backpack |
Ruang tamu tempat melepak |
Cannot believe this! I totally forgot to take photos of the beautiful kitchen, bathroom and the other two bedrooms. Can you believe that? Sebab I was so attracted by the view outside.
View outside the window of our room |
Another breathtaking view. I love the blue sky! |
Subahanallah. Cantik semuanya. Alhamdulillah. Lepas settle down, prayers and everything, we went on google and search for a close by place to ski. Paling dekat takes about 30min from our place and the total harga ski rental dan ticket untuk lift pun boleh tahan. So we decided to just chill and ski tomorrow instead. We got in the car and navi search any places yang sound interesting to us. And that navi brought us to a place called "Karuizawa Plaza". Shopping, lunch and bowling + cuci mata were fun!
Italian restaurant where we had lunch |
Bowling centre |
Besties. Got this from my instagram @nmaj9406 |
Nana baru lepas drop ubat dlm mata aku..it was refreshing |
Sweet couple during their bowling battle.. |
Unfortunately, one really bad thing happened to me. Sob sob. Mata I got swollen. Sebenarnya waktu sampai chalet tu dah start sneezing alot coz I am allergic to dust. My immune system untuk lawan dust just does not function anymore! Dont know why??!! Besides sneezing, eyes pun got really itchy. Boleh tahan ganas aku tonyoh and gosok mata ni. Tak perasan sampai la waktu lunch diorang bagi tahu mata dah bengkak. Diorang suggest aku beli ubat tahan allergy and all were so concern cari kan drug store. Thanks to Nana for being my nurse/doctor/babysitter yang tegar. Waktu bowling tu mood low je. Main satu round je while diorang tambah lagi satu. Rasa tak sihat, demam and such such. Spoil je mood petang tu. Antibody? Kenapa tak functioning? :(
Sebelum balik, we stopped at a convenient store to buy some foods and snacks for dinner and for our movie session. Baik gila diorang ni semua concern about aku yang "kononnya" tak sihat waktu tu. Nak belikan jus, air limau, ubat, biskut, semua la yang berkhsiat. Terharu. Nana bought me crackers and bubur vegetarian. So nice of her. She said it was as a treat coz she owed me 400yen during lunch which I have already forgotten. Peter bought like alot of curry!!! A LOT! Rice and Curry. Curry and rice. Like seriously Curry freak!! Samy ikut je boyfie die..hohoo.. And I learned one more new thing about how American differs from Japanese. Japanese are very concern about money. Err I cant think of a proper word for this. Bukan kedekut tapi berkira. Kalau kita hutang 50sen tu jangan anggap diorang halalkan. Make sure bayar balik. And vice-versa. They will do the same if hutang kita. Kalau makan kedai ramai, bila bayar diorang akan minta "betsu-betsu" meaning bayar asing. Dah 3 tahun kat sini I kinda got used to it. Lain la macam kita kat Malaysia salu "open table" kan bila dapat gaji. Setakat belanja kawan Mc'D tu tak heran sangat pun. Malaysians kira in common juga lah dengan Americans. Nak belanja, terbelanja, tak kesah sangat pun. In Japanese culture, when someone borrows money is viewed as a serious obligation that it must be paid back They don't like to be in debt. Sebab tu orang jepun kurang mengamalkan penggunaan credit card and they prefer cash! However, in American culture, no one thinks anything of borrowing money even when they know they cannot pay back the money. So its a completely different culture.
On our way home, Peter suggested kitorang tengok cerita hantu bila balik nanti. And we all agreed. Haha. Aku ni dah la penakut. But why not kan? Thrill sikit. Perjalanan balik tu seriously scary. Tempat shalet kitorang tu dah la pedalaman, sunyi, gelap gelita, pergh~ Dalam hati hanya mampu berselawat and I was kind of thankful that Peter was there, at least. Dah la askar kan, kalau pape jadi at least ade seorang lelaki. Samy, Nana and I dah start freaked out sebab takut. Masuk rumah je terus tutup tingkap, tarik semua curtain and again prayers, settle down and started our movie session. One thing I love about my friends, diorang respect my practice tau. Like lastime, sleepover dkt rumah Samy, I forgot my kiblat compass and she helped me searched the arah kiblat. Kalau kita respect orang, orang pun respect kita. Alhamdulillah, if we pleased Him, He will always be with us..to ease our life. InsyaAllah.
Port lepak and movie |
fire that helped us alive over the night |
Mata I dah elok sikit kan? |
We chose to watched the cabbin. It was not scary at all. Samy our lovely driver fell asleep in the middle of the movie. So Nana and I decided to change. We ended up watching "Brave". Best la cerita tu. I was so into it. Satisfied enough. Nana and I slept so late coz we had a cit-cat and finish-up foods sessions after the movie. I love the sound of water flowing from the river outside. Loved it!
The next morning we started our journey at like 10.30 am. Semua bangun and mandi awal realizing it was snowing a bit outside. Sikit sangat. Snow turun sangat tiny tiny. So bangun awal tapi melepak je lebey. haha. Nana and I got to spent that last few minutes there to capture the beauty and keindahan view kat situ. It was freakin cold.
@nmaj9406 |
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Typical asian pose! haha. Asal mata sepet ni? |
Ice babeh..Ice... |
subahanallah.... |
Are you guys tired reading? Sorry for the long post. Want to know what happened when we ski? Nantikan sambungannya.....see you!
Jul 28, 2012
A Liar watching Personal Taste
Whoaa that title could also be a nice thesis statement ya.
Masih ada ke yg baca/follow blog ni?
First of all, yes I am a big liar. Freak Liar.
But wait, not really.
I asked if I SHOULD write, but I did not promise to write any. Right? Hai! Okay then, a relief!
Moving on to Personal Taste.
I am pretty sure this movie sounds familiar to Malaysian girls. Oh yes theyre big fans of Koreans celebrities. Apatah lagi movies. Tak salah nak ada minat kat sesuatu, cuma jangan sampai memudaratkan dan melampaui batas. "too much"? Benda hiburan yang keterlaluan yang tidak mendatangkan sebarang faedah besides hiburan keterlaluan sehingga melalaikan.
Back to the main topic, I am done wathcing Personal Taste on youtube. It was actually quite good because my Jun Pyo (lee min ho) is the hero. Yeayyy! Well, thats why I intended to watch this movie at first place. This story did left some touchable scenes. Memandangkan I was actually having FirstTermExam, I could only watch it before going to bed. But It was good.
"bestnya kalau dapat rasa suasana luar negara mcm ni...."(tak bersyukur yg diri ni mmg di luar negara pun). Alhamdulillah.
Here are some of his photos... lololo
KAKKOI NE? "hensem kan?"
Masih ada ke yg baca/follow blog ni?
First of all, yes I am a big liar. Freak Liar.
But wait, not really.
I asked if I SHOULD write, but I did not promise to write any. Right? Hai! Okay then, a relief!
Moving on to Personal Taste.
I am pretty sure this movie sounds familiar to Malaysian girls. Oh yes theyre big fans of Koreans celebrities. Apatah lagi movies. Tak salah nak ada minat kat sesuatu, cuma jangan sampai memudaratkan dan melampaui batas. "too much"? Benda hiburan yang keterlaluan yang tidak mendatangkan sebarang faedah besides hiburan keterlaluan sehingga melalaikan.
Back to the main topic, I am done wathcing Personal Taste on youtube. It was actually quite good because my Jun Pyo (lee min ho) is the hero. Yeayyy! Well, thats why I intended to watch this movie at first place. This story did left some touchable scenes. Memandangkan I was actually having FirstTermExam, I could only watch it before going to bed. But It was good.
"bestnya kalau dapat rasa suasana luar negara mcm ni...."(tak bersyukur yg diri ni mmg di luar negara pun). Alhamdulillah.
Here are some of his photos... lololo
KAKKOI NE? "hensem kan?"
I want a MacBook pro!
Ciciwa, hahawa, kono pasokowa hoshi desu! Demo, okanega arimasen desu ne! Chotto chotto! I need a mac book pro! I need it. And I want one!
Mar 31, 2012
Flight pulang ke Malaysia pada March31,2012!
Entry ni khas untuk ucapan "Terima Kasih"
Buat seorang teman atau saya lebih selesa panggil Uncle/Sensei
Yang telah banyak berjasa pada semua orang disekeliling beliau
Termasuk keluarga saya..
Honestly, Im so pleased that Allah pertemukan kita..
Pertemukan uncle dengan keluarga ni..
Honestly, you are awesome!..hmm from byk sudut..
As a friend/sister, I learned a lot from you..
Arigato, sebab sudi jadi sensei tak berbayor..
Helped me with most of my nihonggo shukudai(homework bahasa jepun)
Helped me with most of my nihonggo shukudai(homework bahasa jepun)
Siap bagi buku Japanese beginner free plak tuh sebelum balik..
You taught me A LOT about japanese grammar, adjectives, the japanese itself, and more..
Some that I still remember, Kio tsukete(hati-hati), Oyasumi instead of oyasuminasai (selamat malam yg larut),
usso(tipu)/ussotsuki(penipu), yasashi(baik hati), kakkoi(hensem), tebukuro(gloves)
and loads more...Uncle yasashi ne,..? kakkoi kara... :D
Arigato, sebab sudi share pengalaman-pengalaman uncle..
Waktu join kem pelapis dlu..perang dgn komunis..bawak M16 yg beratnya 4.2kg..(HAHA!!)
Panjat gunung Fuji pastu masuk harian metro,
Naik roller coaster kat Nasu Highland..dan banyak sangat lagi..
Arigato, sebab sudi beri nasihat-nasihat yang sangat membimbing..
Memang tak terkira dah banyaknya nasihat.. InsyaAllah akan dibuat jadi panduan..
Including your petua hidup di perantauan;
"...dalam merantau ni jadilah seseorg yg memegang sejambak bunga yg harum, dan haruman itu dpt menyenangkan semua org disekeliling kite..so kat mana tercampak pun kita, kita tercampak dlm cinta manusia...."
Arigato, Arigato, Arigato sensei! :D
Semoga business berjalan lancar, nanti boleh la belanja takoyaki kat Harajuku(hutang!!!)
I wish you a very very very bright future and happy with ur beloved family *u always miss
This song goes pretty well with today's mood..haha! Okay, spring is coming really soon..enjoy!
Feb 14, 2012
Busy and Lazy week
Monday was like Friday
And today is like Saturday.
I am feeling so lazy and dumb!
Business class please stop me from falling asleep!!!!!
Please do something that can benefit u ira! You lazy fat idiot slow dumb Ughh and everything!!!
Oh I kinda miss you anyways. Wish you were here. Hmmm.
And today is like Saturday.
I am feeling so lazy and dumb!
Business class please stop me from falling asleep!!!!!
Please do something that can benefit u ira! You lazy fat idiot slow dumb Ughh and everything!!!
Oh I kinda miss you anyways. Wish you were here. Hmmm.
Feb 1, 2012
My prayers
I pray that I'll be able to get through these circumstances for being too lazy during the holidays.
I pray that I'll have the courage to tell someone that I like him whenever the time comes. Because I don't want to lose it again.
I pray that I will gradually improve in my studies especially BIOLOGY and BUSINESS. Having to adapt with the language together with the syllabus contents...Urghh..incredibly tough. I wish I could do all these stuffs in malay. As a native speaker, I bet I could get an A for Business if it were in Malay. I miss being an incredibly good student in bahasa Malaysia.
I pray that Allah will always increase my IMAN and my strength to get through what He has given me. I believe there must be Hikmah from whatever happened.
I pray that I will be able to stay alive without Facebook for a while. It has been really distracting. Too bad that I can't handle myself from getting online.
Hope you hear my prayers. Amin
I pray that I'll have the courage to tell someone that I like him whenever the time comes. Because I don't want to lose it again.
I pray that I will gradually improve in my studies especially BIOLOGY and BUSINESS. Having to adapt with the language together with the syllabus contents...Urghh..incredibly tough. I wish I could do all these stuffs in malay. As a native speaker, I bet I could get an A for Business if it were in Malay. I miss being an incredibly good student in bahasa Malaysia.
I pray that Allah will always increase my IMAN and my strength to get through what He has given me. I believe there must be Hikmah from whatever happened.
I pray that I will be able to stay alive without Facebook for a while. It has been really distracting. Too bad that I can't handle myself from getting online.
Hope you hear my prayers. Amin
Jan 30, 2012
Half-leaking brain
Exams are over since last week. Now, it is the time when we, IB STUDENTS got really packed with stuffs. I hate it! For real!
I have feeling that I'm never gonna get the IB Diploma certificate. Things are over my limitation now. Overwhelmed.
Exams, yeah I'm pretty sure I screwed up especially BIO and Business. First quarter went well. Second quarter filled with clumsiness of my bio tests grades! Like, what the.....%<\€€|+! and exams which the report card is going to be delivered this week. I pray that I will be the very first person to open the letter box every single day if possible until it is delivered. Why? Because I don't want to see the disappointment on my parents countenance. It is just horrible how I can't make my parents proud of me
I have feeling that I'm never gonna get the IB Diploma certificate. Things are over my limitation now. Overwhelmed.
Exams, yeah I'm pretty sure I screwed up especially BIO and Business. First quarter went well. Second quarter filled with clumsiness of my bio tests grades! Like, what the.....%<\€€|+! and exams which the report card is going to be delivered this week. I pray that I will be the very first person to open the letter box every single day if possible until it is delivered. Why? Because I don't want to see the disappointment on my parents countenance. It is just horrible how I can't make my parents proud of me
Jan 29, 2012
Girls aren't going to talk to you first. It's a girl thing. We don't like starting the conversation because we like to feel like you want to talk to us. We like to feel like the wait was worth something. We like feeling like you've waited for us like we've waited for you. But the number one reason we hate talking first is because we hate to seem clingy and needy. Thats why we're scared. Cause to us, being needy and obsessive just pushes guys away. And no girl wants that.
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